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World War II [5 DVDs] auf DVD

Freigegeben ab 18 Jahren
Noch zu wenig Einzelwertungen

DVD 1:
"Prelude To War"
"We are determined that before the sun sets on this terrible struggle our flag will be recognized throughout the world as a symbol of freedom on the one hand, of overwhelming power on the other."
"No compromise is possible and the victory of the democracies cn only be complete with the utter defeat of the war machines of Germany and Japan." - C.G. Marshall Chief Of Staff
Laufzeit: 53 min.

"The Nazi Strike"
"My motto is, 'Destroy by all and any means. National Socialism will reshape the world'." - Adolf Hitler
The scenes contained in this picture come from authentic sources such as American newsreels, official United Nations film, and enemy motion pictures now in possession of the War Departement, Special Service Division, S.O.S.
Laufzeit: 43 min.

DVD 2:
"Divide and Conquer"
The nazi Blitzkrieg reaches its highest point and Nazi treachery reaches its lowest... On September 3rd 1939 the British and French declared war on Germany. By September 27th, the Germans had wiped out Poland and met the oncoming Russian Army. Determined to avoid a two front war, Germany halted her drive to the east and turned west to first crush Britain and France.
Laufzeit: 57 min.

"The Battle Of Britain"
Now Hitler stood, just as Napoleon had stood more than one hundred years before, and looked across the English Channel to the one fighting obstacle that stood between him and world domination. The cliffs of Britain rose sheer and white out of the choppy waters. Hush that little island and its stubborn people, and the way was open for world conquest. It was time for the main event - "The Battle of Britain". "Where Napoleon failed, I shall succeed. I Shall land on the shores of Britain". - Adolf Hitler
Laufzeit: 53 min.

DVD 3:
"The Battle of Russia"
"History knows no greater display of courage than shown by the people of the Soviet Union" - Henry L. Stimson Secretary of War
"We and our allies owe and acknowledge an everlasting debt of gratitude to the armies and people of the Soviet Union" - Frank Knox Secretary of the Navy
"The gallantry and aggressive fighting spirit of the Russian soldiers command the American army's admiration" - George C. Marshall Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
"The scale and grandeur of the Russian effort mark it as the greatest military achievement in all history" - General Douglas MacArthur
Laudfzeit: 84 min.

"The Battle of China"
"The whole nation must rise as one man and fight these Japanese bandits".
"Ours is a war of survival and independence we will never submit... we will resist to the very end" - Chiang Kai - Shek
Laufzeit: 64 min.

DVD 4:
"War Comes To America"
"Today we rule Germany, tomorrow, the world" - Adolph Hitler
"Two worlds are in conflict... two philosophies of life... one of these two worlds must break assunder" - Adolph Hitler
Laufzeit: 66 min.

"D-Day The Normandy Invasion"
On the night of June 5-6, 1944, British and U.S. airbourne troops took off for their vital destignations. Below them, into a stormy channel, an armada of warships and landing craft was emerging from ports along the coast of west and south-east England. Minesweeper swept ten channels while naval escort groups kept what submarines that ventured near, away from the packed troop transports. D-Day had arrived.
Laufzeit: 51 min.

DVD 5:
"The World At War"
"Yesterday, December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States was deliberately attacked by the naval and air force of the Empire of Japan" - Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Here is a pictorial record of a decade of war that had led to the attack on Pearl Habour and the Western Hemisphere. The material in this video was taken from the news reels and from enemy films in custody of the United States Gouvernment. Nothing has been staged. Every scene record is authentic. Produced and released by the Official War Information Bureau.
Laufzeit: 44 min.

"Appointment in Tokyo"
A President's order to leave, a promise to return. An "Appointment in Tokyo". At his Melbourne headquarters General MacArthur faced grim facts. Against nearly 3000 Japanese planes he had barely 500, against Japanese missions he had 11 anese infested islands and Japanese controlles sea, against hi poorly equipped divisions. Against him were 1000 miles of Japan was time and space and power and preparation. Against him was an area that made the vast United States look small...
Laufzeit: 55 min.
570 Minuten
DD 5.1 Surround: Englisch
25 Challenging Trivia Questions And Answers • 30 Biographies • Direct Scen Access • 10 War propaganda posters • 5 Film reels •
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